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* @ Author M Syaiful Rizal
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public class correlation (
public static String problem [] [] = (( "adultery", "2 "},{" women", "1"));
public static String paragraph [] [] = (( "17:32", "adultery", "2", "close", "1", "cruel", "1", "path", "1", " bad "," 1 "},{" 24:2 "," adultery "," 2 "," female "," 1 "," stripes "," 1 "," law "," 1 "),
( "5:54", "apostate", "2", "religion", "1", "the", "1"));
public static String Qur'an [] [] = (( "17:32", "and do not approach adultery adultery is actually an act of evil and a bad path"),
( "24:2", "woman taken in adultery and men who commit adultery then each one deralah each of the two hundred and control stripes"),
( "5:54", "O people who believe whoever among you who apostate from the religion so Allah will bring a people that God loves them"));
private static int pnjiterasi;
static double numerator [], the denominator [], xbar [], ybar [], pmbl, korel [];
private static int x, y;
public static void main (String [] args) (
/ / TODO code application logic here
pnjiterasi = problem.length;
xbar = new double [problem.length];
onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'" >)
ayat[][] = {{"17:32","zina","2","dekat","1","keji","1","jalan","1","" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">paragraph.length];
ybar [i] = hitungybar (i);
numerator = new double [paragraph.length];
for (int i = 0; i <paragraph.length; i + +) (
numerator [i] = numeratorcalculate (i);
denominator = new double [ayat.length];
for (int i = 0; i <paragraph.length; i + +) (
denominator [i] = denomeratorcalculate (i);
korel = new double [paragraph.length];
for (int i = 0; i <paragraph.length; i + +) (
if (denominator [i] == 0.0)
korel [i] = (numerator [i] / denominator [i]);
System.out.println ( "correlation verse to" + i + "is" + korel [i]);
=(0))&&(korel[i]<=1.0)){" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">if ((korel [i]> = (0 ))&&( korel [i] <= 1.0)) ( System.out.println (Qur'an [i] [0] + "" + Qur'an [i] [1]);
private static double numeratorcalculate (int i) (
/ / Calculate the numerator verse to i
/ / Calculate the value of y
tempY int [] = new int [problems.length];
for (int f = 0; f
tempY [f] = Integer.parseInt (sub [i] [g +1]);
/ / System.out.println ( "y for the verse to" + i + "problem to" + f + "is" + tempY [f]);
/ / Calculate the numerator
double tempi = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f
/ / pmbl = tempi;
System.out.println ( "numerator verse to" + i + "is" + tempi);
return tempi;
private static double denumratorcalculate (int i) (
double pnyb = 0.0;
/ / calculate the denominator verse to i
/ / it to calculate the total (x-xbar) ^ 2
Double Load imgs = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f
Load imgs = Load imgs + Math.pow (stack, 2);
/ / Number of Y
tempY int [] = new int [problem.length];
for (int f = 0; f
tempY [f] = Integer.parseInt (sub [i] [g +1]);
/ / System.out.println ( "y for the verse to" + i + "problem to" + f + "is" + tempY [f]);
/ / it to calculate the total (y-ybar) ^ 2
double temp = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f
temp = temp + Math.pow (stack, 2);
pnyb = Math.sqrt (Load imgs * temp);
System.out.println ( "denominator verse to" + i + "is" + pnyb);
return pnyb;
private static double hitungxbar (int k) (
/ / calculate the total x
double temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i
temp = temp + Integer.parseInt (problems [i] [1]);
double result = Integer.parseInt (problems [k] [1]) / temp;
System.out.println ( "x bar is" + result);
return result;
private static double hitungybar (int i) (
/ / Y bar in the clause to the i
/ / calculate the total y
double temp = 0;
Kok cuman simulasinya? Mana complete programnya?
tunggu posting selanjutnya..hehehe :)
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