Cryptography has been known since Roman times. Was a great king of the Romans at that time whose name was Julius Caesar who introduced the first cryptographic techniques. He used it to hide a secret letter he would send. If the couriers were arrested and the letter fell into the hands of the enemy then the Mush still can not get any information even managed to get a physical letter. Caesar cryptography technique is actually simple, namely by replacing each letter with another letter in the alphabet with the previous agreement. So Cesar and the recipients have made an agreement with a table - tables alphabetically between the original letter by letter instead. Here is an example of cryptographic Caesar.
Example, alphabetical table appointments as follows:
If you want to send a C-section the phrase: "WAR" then the contents of the letter is "DZI". While recipients will return to match sentences in the letter in the table and translated back so he could read the same sentence with what is going to be sent Caesar. While others who do not have the above table can not be read, so that security letter awake. It was said that Caesar's love letter to Cleopatra also uses cryptography so that it can not be known by the senate - the Roman senate who did not like his relationship with Cleopatra.
Cryptography techniques above Caesar substitution technique is also called a cesarean (Substitution Caesar) or substitution techniques. Cryptographic system is to survive long enough, but eventually can be solved. The simplicity of the encoding techniques into the basic technique of substitution is weakness. Enough with the technique Brute Force Attack, or even with just the trial error cryptographic encryption can be solved. By simply knowing what the letters out and then a lot of analysis. For example in the Indonesian language the letter 'A' appears at most, so if the letter is the letter 'Z' appears at most, it can be concluded that the letter 'Z' is a substitute letter 'A'. Once on the next to get a clear information.
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