Internet world is very much sought by the community. Many of them are looking for solutions, tutorials, discussion, or browse through the discussion on the Internet. One is looking for the solution of the problem belief.
Verse - verse in Al - Qur'an is not organized based on a problem, so does the scatter, so it takes a long time to search verses - verses that are required for problem-solving faith.
So with the end of this project will help to find a verse reference and translation Al - Qur'an problems in belief, and are easily accessible because of web-based so it can be used by anyone
Keywords: Internet, Text Mining, Al - Qur'an, belief
Background authors take the title of this final project is difficulty implementing the Al-Qur'an in life - especially in the day by solving some of the people, as the form of Al-Qur 'an that conventional hard to learn.
Verse - verse in "Al - Qur'an" is not organized based on a problem, so does the scatter, so it takes a long time to search verses - verses that are required for problem-solving faith.
Search process clause - paragraph conventional "Al - Qur'an" way or with the Al - Qur'an during which digital is on the Internet (eg www. QuranDigital.Com-Al) is not enough to help, if the results we want is a paragraph -- paragraph in accordance with the particular problems that we face. With such a system is required to identify, find, and group problem diinputkan by the user. So that the system can display the verse - verse "Al - Qur'an" as a reference and solutions.
With the above problems, then you can use a process of introducing the text in a Text Mining. With the process so that problems in the user input performed with several methods such as parsing, stemming, and morphing To be able to recognize problems.
By the end of this project is expected to help find a verse reference and translation "Al - Qur'an" problems in belief, and are easily accessible because of web-based so it can be used by anyone.
Authors interested in writing and discuss the text mining al - Qur'an. Especially in extracting information about the problem of faith in verse - verse it. With the goal of producing a web application that can:
- 1. Search for verse - verse al qur 'an issue of translation and belief
- 2. Providing solutions to the problems of displaying text - verse and translated it.
The problem was that in the end of this project are:
• How to search for keywords from the problems that have?
• How can differentiate the problem, including a belief or not?
• How to related a problem with the belief paragraph - paragraph "Al - Qur'an" and translated?
TEXT MININGtext mining is the process of mine text data with a data source is usually from the document and find the goal is the word - a word that represents a document so that it can be done in the analysis relationship document [1] ..
Text data will be processed into numeric data that can be process further. So in terms of text mining is the data pre processing - that is the precursor that is applied to the text data that aims to generate numeric data [3].

On pre prosesing have conducted several phases, namely [4]:
- Removal and markup format document that is used if a text is not pure then this step is taken. Because the text document that usually we see a non-text formats such as html, pdf or in the form of a word. Format this format requires that a text has additional elements to be able to generate the view that our friendly eyes. Information is omitted because they do not need and do not reflect the contents of a text document
- Remove punctuation punctuation and numbers is also considered not important, because it happens in the research that I do not see the relevance words, sentences or the like, so the word is considered independently.
- Changing from capital letters to all lowercase.
- Parsing and Stemming. decomposition into the form of single words and words into the form of the establishment of the foundation, so that words that have a basic form of words will be the same.
- Weighting -> Starting with the calculation of the number of words in each document, which will then be calculated using the scheme weighting process desired.
Science belief according to Al - Digital Koran is a faith and confidence of Allah, which are grouped in a peaceful faith that we know [5] [6] [9]:
1. Faith in God
2. Faith to Angel of God
3. The faith of Scripture
4. The faith of the Messenger of Allah
5. Faith to the Day of Resurrection
6. The faith of destiny
Here is a system architecture design project end. Where users do request to the web server, web server and computing to explore with the authentication keyword database. Then the web server to provide the results to the user.
Process on the end of this project are:
- The process is there is a prepossessing method to remove the punctuation mark, number, symbol, mark up, and make all the words with the uniform makes them all small letters.
- Stemming the method is to split the sentence into words - words that stand alone. Because the word in the text mining in the sentence has no relevance.
- Stemming the words of this process is cut so that the leading particle and the word - a word only in the form of basic words. So weighting valid.
- Weighting or group weighting process word - a word basis.
- Search for keyword keyword is the word - a word which is more than 2 and is a keyword in the belief

Based on the results of experiments and analysis carried out in the Project End this can be concluded that:
1) The system has been created as able to meet the needs of search applications verse - verse of the Holy "Qur'an"-related problems by using the belief Text Mining.
2) All the keywords that can be identified particle all except the word "kingdom" which is the "king".
3) This system does not save all the data "Al - Qur'an" on a problem, but taken at least 70% of the "Al - Qur'an". Data "Al - Qur'an" is considered to be taken to represent the other.
2. Advice
Here are some suggestions for the development of the system in the future, based on the results of the design, implementation, and testing that was done.:
1) Complete data paragraph "Al - Qur'an", of course, must at the same time with a larger database from "MYSQL".
2) Complete the data keyword belief problems
3) improve the stemming algorithm, that is the case in the word "kingdom". With:
a. First check in the database, including whether or not the basic word. If you are including the words do not have the basic process through stemming.
b. Perfect combination of particle algorithm.
4) The making of the application form of "WAP" or desktop applications, so that the web service can be accessed by the application of the various platforms.
5) The making of the feature entry words and basic word of particle with administrative authentication credentials.