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Monday, December 6, 2010

install the Oracle

this video show you to isntall the ORACLE....enjoy it

The Phisical and The Result

this link is for have the physically layer from power designer...after you make the conceptual, you can generate to be a physically layer....the example process to make physically layer can you download here
and after that you can make the physically layer to be a SQL can download here to know about the generate process...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the Conceptual

this afternoon my student question about conceptual data diagram in power designer....some of them feel it's very I make example how to make it easily...woth this video I make presentation today,,,this is my first practical video study in this university....and now i share to the world....oke lets enjoy it...:)  download

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

share your problem with KORAN Software

This a system that My Close Friend Joedith and me, make a system. How to search Koran verses to our problem. Using text mining and correlation method, we try to make it although have a lot of problem…but, in the end, we success to make trial version (Indonesian Verses) …to download Java Project click here…and this is to download the database click here

There are some example to  help yo to used it

have nice try..and please share to me about the we can make the better system


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Random di PHP

A friend asked about the random function in PHP. coincidence this blog has not been updated. it altogether, update blogs and helped my friends. ok..let's play the listing ...:) :

echo rand() . "\n";
rand() . "\n";

rand(5, 15);

result :

random in the query

// First get the last id from the table

$result = mysql_query( $SQL );
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
$ending_id = $row["highlight_id"];

// I only want the 5 most recent entries
// So I just subtract 5 from the last ID

$starting_id = $ending_id - 5;

// Because I we don't want a nagitive number I just
// make sure that the starting ID is at least 1

if($starting_id <= 0){
$starting_id = "1";

// now I run the the $starting_id $ending_id at RAND

$howey = rand($starting_id, $ending_id);

// Now I use howey as my id

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM HIGHLIGHTS WHERE highlight_id = '$howey'";
$result = mysql_query( $SQL );
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
$highlight_id = $row["highlight_id"];
$highlight_title = $row["highlight_title"];
"$highlight_id $highlight_title";

to download the PHP random sample click here

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mail Client With ElGamal Cryptography

System architecture of the program Mail Client with ElGamal cryptography is :

From the picture above can be seen that the mail client sender encrypts the message by sending a plain text parameter of the encryption function. After that sends cipher text encryption function as a result of encryption. With the SMTP port and the cipher text of the message sent to the Mail Server. Mail Server Mail Server sends to the destination if the recipient has a different Mail Server. With POP3 or Imap protocol then the message recipient mail client can receive email. Email recipients can decrypt the cipher text sent parameters. Decryption function will check first private key. After the enter key then the private decryption function can send plain text decryption results. The essence of the above programs are Mail client can send an email to the mail server after encryption. And the recipient mail client can download email delivery at Mail Server, and then decrypt.

the process is :

  1. 1) The process triggers the generation of these numbers is a process to generate random prime numbers as a trigger for ElGamal key lock so that adds to the complexity in its calculations. The more complicated the calculation will be more secure algorithm.
  2. 2) Power private key (x) is the process to calculate the number x of keywords (in a phrase or sentence) that users input. With this process the X does not come out of the range specified in ElGamal.
  3. 3) Generation of public key (y) this process is to calculate the public key (y) by using the private key (x). Y goal is the key to be distributed to the public, so that others can encrypted messages to be sent to us. And we can decrypt the message with the key x (private).
  4. 4) Encrypt the message that the process used to encrypt the plain text or email message early. ElGamal method then this process will produce cipher text (password) with 2 characters represent the plain text characters 1. So the cipher text twice the amount of plain text.
  5. 5) Send the message this process is the process of sending a message to the Java mail to Email Server. This process uses the SMTP protocol to send email. Messages sent in the form of byte [] so that the sending process can go smoothly and be accepted by the Mail Server.
  6. 6) Reading emails this process is the process for reading emails sent. Initially Email Client to download messages to the Mail Server using the POP3 or Imap protocol. Users can choose one of these 2 protocols. After downloading the message is displayed in the table in java mail messages.
  7. 7) Decryption email messages in your email Server is not in decryption. Always in a cipher text. So to read email decryption process carried out beforehand. This process checks first private key. Then decryption process can be done with the same result as the plain text before encryption by the sender in the email.
to download the example Java program click here

Create Mail Client

in this post, mail client created using Java mail library. Java mail is a special library for email applications that can be downloaded for free at
To make the email client required an order to be able to access SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. SMTP is a protocol to be able to send email. While POP3 and IMAP are protocols to be able to download email messages from the Mail Server.
To send a message use the following command:

In the above listing can be seen that done by sending an email calling new Mime Message class in Java Mail library. Object of the class to fill the properties of data such as email subject, email messages, and Date. Then the object of Mime Message sent by calling the transport method.
Meanwhile, to download the messages to look the this listing as follows:

Meanwhile, to connect to the Mail Client is as follows:

Described in the above listing that the input in order to connect to the Mail Server, in the pages that have been in connection input of the user, the insert into the String Buffer. Then the connection is done by making Store object and then the object is to connect with the save and send the session that contains the properties to the port SMTP authentication, POP3, IMAP and.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Simulation of ElGamal Cryptography

The following are examples of simulation programs ElGamal cryptography. This program is made with JAVA programming language, and its design interface with Net bean. You can download the project files (Indonesian version) here. click here to download

Generate Trigger Numbers

In ElGamal fruit numbers are 2 triggers, namely g and k. both must be excellent and worth less than the range of data or p. Numbers g are constants or fixed. So in this final project in the initial g value 13. The value of k is a variable or change 1 change for each plain text character.
In this final project in the form k do in a class GenerateK. Program listing is

public class GenerateK {

double kb ; double kx = 0;

public double setK (){ int prima =0;

while(prima == 0){

kx = (Math.random()*221)+1; prima = cekprima (kx); } return kx; }

public double getK (){

kb = setK(); return kb; }

private static int cekprima(double ky){

int ky1 = (int)ky; int sip =1;

int batas = (int) Math.ceil(ky/2);




for(int i=2;i <= batas;i++){

int tes = ky1 % i;

if(tes==0){sip = 0; break;}

else sip =1;} }

return sip;}}

call class is conducted generateK random integer value between 1 and 222. Then the numbers k will be test in prime testing. Prime test is testing whether an integer k prime or not, by way Modulo operations with numbers number k 2 to k \ 2. If the modulation is always not equal to zero, k can be considered prime. But if one Modulo operations produce zero, k is not prime. If it does not fit the random re-done to produce a prime k.
To get the number k, after GenerateK create a new object, do the calling method getK (). The following example program listing:


GenerateK bikink = new GenerateK ();

double kd = Math.ceil(bikink.getK());

int k = (int) kd - 1;

in decrypt and encrypt process you can lean more in the file download

Monday, February 1, 2010

Example of the Correlation Listing Program

This is an example of a simulation program to find the verse from the Koran that had problems in user input.simulation program of this correlation calculation using the assumption that the problem user input and verse in the Koran is the extracted with other text mining method (steming, parsing, tagging).

if you have questions you can write the following comment in this blog . to dwonload this file project (Indonesian Ver) click here

/ **
* @ Author M Syaiful Rizal
* /
public class correlation (

public static String problem [] [] = (( "adultery", "2 "},{" women", "1"));
public static String paragraph [] [] = (( "17:32", "adultery", "2", "close", "1", "cruel", "1", "path", "1", " bad "," 1 "},{" 24:2 "," adultery "," 2 "," female "," 1 "," stripes "," 1 "," law "," 1 "),
( "5:54", "apostate", "2", "religion", "1", "the", "1"));

public static String Qur'an [] [] = (( "17:32", "and do not approach adultery adultery is actually an act of evil and a bad path"),
( "24:2", "woman taken in adultery and men who commit adultery then each one deralah each of the two hundred and control stripes"),
( "5:54", "O people who believe whoever among you who apostate from the religion so Allah will bring a people that God loves them"));
private static int pnjiterasi;
static double numerator [], the denominator [], xbar [], ybar [], pmbl, korel [];
private static int x, y;
public static void main (String [] args) (
/ / TODO code application logic here
pnjiterasi = problem.length;
xbar = new double [problem.length];
for (int i = 0; i xbar [i] = hitungxbar (i);
onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'" >)

ayat[][] = {{"17:32","zina","2","dekat","1","keji","1","jalan","1","" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">paragraph
for (int i = 0; i
paragraph.length; i + +) (
ybar [i] = hitungybar (i);

numerator = new double [
for (int i = 0; i <
paragraph.length; i + +) (
numerator [i] = numeratorcalculate (i);

denominator = new double [ayat.length];
for (int i = 0; i <
paragraph.length; i + +) (
denominator [i] = denomeratorcalculate (i);
korel = new double [

for (int i = 0; i <
paragraph.length; i + +) (
if (denominator [i] == 0.0)
korel [i] = (numerator [i] / denominator [i]);

System.out.println ( "correlation verse to" + i + "is" + korel [i]);
=(0))&&(korel[i]<=1.0)){" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">if ((korel [i]> = (0 ))&&( korel [i] <= 1.0)) ( System.out.println (Qur'an [i] [0] + "" + Qur'an [i] [1]);



private static double numeratorcalculate (int i) (

/ / Calculate the numerator verse to i
/ / Calculate the value of y
tempY int [] = new int [problems.length];
for (int f = 0; f for (int g = 0; g if (problems [f] [0]. equals (sub [i] [g])) (
tempY [f] = Integer.parseInt (sub [i] [g +1]);
/ / System.out.println ( "y for the verse to" + i + "problem to" + f + "is" + tempY [f]);

/ / Calculate the numerator
double tempi = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f tempi = tempi + ((Integer.parseInt (problems [f] [1])-xbar [f]) * (tempY [f]-ybar [i]));
/ / pmbl = tempi;
System.out.println ( "numerator verse to" + i + "is" + tempi);
return tempi;

private static double denumratorcalculate (int i) (
double pnyb = 0.0;
/ / calculate the denominator verse to i
/ / it to calculate the total (x-xbar) ^ 2
Double Load imgs = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f double stack = (Integer.parseInt (problems [f] [1])-xbar [f]);
Load imgs = Load imgs + Math.pow (stack, 2);

/ / Number of Y
tempY int [] = new int [problem.length];
for (int f = 0; f for (int g = 0; g if (problems [f] [0]. equals (sub [i] [g])) (
tempY [f] = Integer.parseInt (sub [i] [g +1]);
/ / System.out.println ( "y for the verse to" + i + "problem to" + f + "is" + tempY [f]);

/ / it to calculate the total (y-ybar) ^ 2
double temp = 0.0;
for (int f = 0; f tempY double stack = [f] - ybar [i];
temp = temp + Math.pow (stack, 2);

pnyb = Math.sqrt (Load imgs * temp);
System.out.println ( "denominator verse to" + i + "is" + pnyb);
return pnyb;

private static double hitungxbar (int k) (
/ / calculate the total x
double temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i (
temp = temp + Integer.parseInt (problems [i] [1]);

double result = Integer.parseInt (problems [k] [1]) / temp;
System.out.println ( "x bar is" + result);
return result;

private static double hitungybar (int i) (

/ / Y bar in the clause to the i
/ / calculate the total y
double temp = 0;
